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CoinGo Trading - 2017-7-7
Investiční plányCitace:
Hourly Plan
Starting at 2.82% Hourly for 36 Hours | Principal Included
Amount Hourly Profit Total Profit
$19 - $49 2.82% 101.52%
$50 - $90 2.83% 101.88%
Every 3 days $1 is added to the minimum limit and $15 to the maximum limit.
The yield increases by 0.01% hourly in accordance with the growth of limits on the investment plan.
Every 15 days you can activate a new additional deposit. Now one active deposit.
Daily Plan
1.5% - 2.5% Daily for 5 - 20 Days | Principal Back
Amount Daily Profit Term Total Profit
$15 - $150 1.5% 5 days 107.5%
$150 - $300 2.0% 10 days 120%
$300 - $500 2.5% 20 days 150%
VIP Plan
6.25% - 7.09% Hourly for 24 Hours | Principal Included
Amount Hourly Profit Total Profit
$5000 - $6499 6.25% 150%
$6500 - $7499 6.67% 160%
$7500 - $10,000 7.09% 170%
Přijímané E-MěnyPerfect Money, AdvCash, Payeer, Bitcoin
Minimální a maximální vklad$15 - $10,000
Partnerský programAž 5%
Vlastnosti investičního projektuLicencovaný skript GoldCoders
Ochrana DDOS
Šifrování Comodo SSL
Rychlá a pohodlná podpora
Unikátní design
CoinGo Trading - successfully completed!
Transaction ID 58a019e7-12c9-4d8a-8264-4a1c980d8860
Date and time 18.07.2017 09:52
Shop CoinGo
Payment amount $50.00